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CORS on custom API endpoint

This is what I have in api.ts file import { MiddlewareConfigFn } from "wasp/server"; import { FooBar } from "wasp/server/api"; // This type is generated by Wasp based on the api declaration above. export const apiMiddleware: MiddlewareConfigFn = (config) => {...

Tutorial API implementation doesn't work for me.

my main.wasp is ```api upload_video { // APIs and their implementations don't need to (but can) have the same name. fn: import { fooBar } from "@src/api/api", httpRoute: (GET, "/api"), auth: false,...

Light/Dark mode Query

Just prompting Kapa

Create API endpoint for external service

I want to create an endpoint for an external service to trigger an update to a DB entry. I only want to allow this particular service to use the endpoint, but If the incoming request has an "authorization" header, it's rejected by some middleware with the message '{"message":"Invalid credentials","data":{}}% '. How can I bypass this middleware?

User Subsctiption plan change?

I couldnt find anything in the docs regarding this, how can a user change or cancel his subscription plan ? Is this integrated or do I have to build it myself...

Chakra UI+tailwind

Is it possible to use chakra ui on front?

Has anyone deployed on Vercel?

Trying to test deployment but having issues. Would love it if anyone tried and succeeded in sharing their tips. #đŸ™‹questions #deployment...

How do i connect APIs to Open SaaS ?

How do i connect APIs to Open SaaS ?

Wasp emailSender.send set CC recipients

Using the Wasp emailSender.send method, I can specify the from and to email addresses. Is it also possible to include CC recipients?

Does wasp have a component library?

If not what are some other good react component libraries that would be good for wasp?

How do I install a Google Analytics signup event upon signup?

I am trying to put a Google Analytics signup event behind the authentication moment, has anyone done this before?

Does wasp work with shadcn

I am trying to get FE components from shadcn working with wasp But I am running into quite a few errors. I there a small guide on how this can be done?...

how do I obtain a da boi plushy?

Where is the merch table at??

How to create seed data on fly.io postgres instance

I created a new fly io launch and want to create same set of seed data which I do locally using wasp db seed on fly.io's postgres instance. How can I achieve it ?

CORS Issues

is it okay to modify the main.wasp file?

Can Wasp be deployed for free?

I am eager to use wasp for my development - but I have not seen a 100% free tier option for all client, server and database. Does this exist?

Custom Type Declarations

I am trying to extend my @mui/material configuration and thus als its type declarations. When adding a declaration file mui.d.ts or mui.ts my local development works just fine (IDE Support and wasp start starts the server without problems) but when I try to deploy my app, the Typedefinition seems to get lost as i get the Error Property <MyAddedProperty> does not exist on Type XY. Any Idea how I can make this work?...

Integration Issue with Mailgun in Wasp: 'Forbidden' Error Related to EU Domain

Hello, I'm using Wasp, and I want to send emails using the Mailgun provider, but I'm encountering an issue with a "forbidden" error. After some research, I found that the problem is related to the base URL. For domains created in the EU region, you need to add .eu to the URL, like this: https://api.eu.mailgun.net/. Here's the documentation: https://documentation.mailgun.com/docs/mailgun/user-manual/get-started. Is it possible to fix this issue? I can't find where in the Wasp project the URL is configured to apply this fix while waiting for an official solution. ...

Error: Cannot find module '@node-rs/argon2-wasm32-wasi' when deploying to fly.io

Hello team Wasp! Suddenly I'm getting an Error: Cannot find module '@node-rs/argon2-wasm32-wasi' error when deploying my app to Fly.io. The app was already deployed and functional before this deploy, and I have changed nothing to the backend, so I'm not sure where this error is coming from?...

TodoApp doesn't show changes until I switch tabs

Just completed the TodoApp up to step 6 (https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/tutorial/actions) and I've noticed that when I add new todos or mark them complete I don't see any changes until I switch Chrome tabs or windows. Refreshing the page also so the changes. Keeping the developer tools open in Chrome I don't see the new todo show up in the DOM until I switch tabs and back again either. Has anyone else seen this? Running node v20 and wasp 0.14.0. ...