SOVA-Recon bolt | B site from ct or t to a site
intercontinental sova line up
No bounce full charge...
Sova Haven Attack A-Site Combo
Recon + Shock + Shock
Recon: Scans pretty much the entire site (It only misses Hell, Heaven window, A small portion of the A long site entrance, a tiny pocket in short site entrance cubby and a very small area directly Infront of the box when crouching). As a bonus it also scans people walking out of the A-like B-site entrance.
Shock 1 and 2: Damages anyone standing behind box. The alternative dart 1 I've found has a higher success rate, since when people front site get scanned, they will pretty often move to behind the box, the same applies when they are already behind the box. ...
Pearl, KAYO Knife: Connector to A Main
Used by M80 NiSMO in NA Challengers League 2023 Split:
Nearly unbreakable KAYO knife for A Main on Pearl. Crosshair reference is easy to get used to and its hard for enemies to know where its coming...