Week 20 — What Is the volatile keyword in java?
Week 19 — What are annotations in Java and how can one use them?
Week 18 — What is the native keyword in Java?
Week 17 — What are the differences between int and Integer in Java
Week 16 — What is StringBuilder class in Java, and what are it's possible uses
Week 15 — What are Varargs in Java?
Week 14 — What are records in Java
Week 13 — What is the purpose of the final keyword?
Week 12 — What is an Exception?
Week 11 — What are the difference (and similarities) between Set, List & Map?
Week 10 — What are the main uses of the super keyword?
Week 9 — What is the (purpose of the) Scanner class?
Week 8 — How would you implement the insert sort sorting algorithm in Java?
Week 7 — What is meant by polymorphism?
Week 6 — What is the object-oriented paradigm?
Week 5 — What are method handles?
Week 4 — What is meant by recursion?
Week 3 — What is constructor chaining?
Week 2 — What is meant by serialization?