my mechakeys says it cannot unistall old files but i cancelled manually is there a fix
i love this app so pleaseee help
mouse broke
I was in mechanical keys spamming key strokes to get 10k and after it didn't count and my mouse was like delayed reaction and in like 1 fps I had to restart my pc and after restart mechakeys app was like broke and there wasn't a picture
firewall isusue
not letting me register so i turned off firewall on my pc and still wont register me any fixes?
I can't link my account the button is transparent a little bit Help me
It doesn't work for my friend So tell me what to do i will say it to him Thanks
I got internal server error and I couldn't buy a soundpack!!!
I wanted to buy gateron brown but I got internal server error, so I reset mechakeys but my keycaps were gone !!!
dont receive mail
hey i dont receive mail can i know my email or idkw because its maybe accidental email
Accidentally bought omnipoint b instead of omnipoint a
I accidentally bought the omnipoint b, i can refund it in some way, or get the free keys i waste?
accidentally bought
bought omni point a instead of gateron rad bc i clicked omni point a on accident since its below gateron red
is there a way to make my freinds/other people hear the sound in fortnite
So i can hear it and my friends aswell
I have lost a lot of keycaps
I got lvl 30 and i received 2000 keycaps (from the discord and the achievement), and I had 3460 keycaps in total, then i bought gateron red and gateron red rvrb, which is 1550 keycaps, and I should have 1910 keycaps, but i got 1310, can someone help
how do i link my discord accont to mecha keys v2?
I had linked my discord account already to the first version of mecha keys, but I don t know how to link it to v2 of mecha keys, can anyone help me?
where to see ur email of mechakeys??
i want to link my account and then it says i need to go to my email but where?
Forbidden Error
when i try to login or register, i get a message that says forbidden, any help for this?