Animekos | Anime ❀ Social ❀ Ayako


Animekos | Anime ❀ Social ❀ Ayako

Hi friend! 🌸 Join us and share what you've been up to lately! Play gachas, seek Ayako bot support, and win Steam games!


auto role

hi again is there any way i can get the auto role so that a member in my discord does a test and then once they have passed the test the bot puts them into a certain role as i can only do it for the ones that joined the server

warning system

i have given the bot all the perms and it still comes up saying unable to warn this player any help would be amazing @Ayako Support

Ayako antispam doesnt work for me

Ayako doesnt work when i set up antispam but works as autorole❓
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Banning doesn't delete messages

So I banned someone today and Ayako didn't delete any of their messages, she does have all the perms and can delete messages. It also seems that I'm not the only one to experience this...

bot keeps removing verified role

somehow the bot keeps removing the verified role from random users, how to fix this?

a little issue i noticed when Joining

The rules thingy that one has to agree to before joining the server, there's a deleted channel there where it says one could find a condensed discord TOS/guidelines. Maybe it has been moved to a different channel and it could be changed? Maybe it can be deleted because neither channel nor the mentioned condensed guidelines exist anymore?...
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So i created 3 giveaways in total and on the last 2 it seems even tho people can join it does not update the number shown for participants, on the first giveaway i created it does. It bugs me and I hope its not bugged meaning that no one can actually join it.
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Bump Reminder

Hey there, I have utilized the bump reminder role in my server for awhile now, recently I updated the settings with the minutes, role to be pinged, and channel to ping in. However, it still seems to be finicky. Does not always remind for ping and is not usually on the 120 minutes I have selected. Any suggestions?...

autopunish related

Is there any feature in ayako like "send this default message on ban/kick through autopunish"?

Mod Logs unmute spam

uhh ayako is spamming in mod audits
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Become Support

The title should make it clear β€’-β€’ I've helped in support before and I've helped people set Ayako up in their server so I should be able to help with 60-70% of Ayako's shtuff...