Ajet Wiki needs a LanguageConverter
……like Chinese Wikipedia does.
Related links:
Own domain
Does WikiOasis support own domains?
This list on MediaWiki says it does: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Hosting_services#Hosting_services_table
But I don't see any reference to NS record to be used, or how to create SSL cert....
(sorry for the late response)
yes we do, submit a form in https://meta.wikioasis.org/wiki/Special:RequestSSL...
Recent change broken
Ajet Wiki's recent change isn't uploading after the update of mediawiki. My last change is on Feb. 4th
recent changes broken
Heya! Our recent changes page isn't updating:
[the latest edit is at 6:32, but we've edited after then as you can see at #global-feed]...
Regenerated, should be fine from now on, let me know if there are any other issues.