DevHeads IoT Integration Server
The DevHeads IoT Integration Server accelerates technology engineering by helping pro devs learn, share and collaborate.
JoinDevHeads IoT Integration Server
The DevHeads IoT Integration Server accelerates technology engineering by helping pro devs learn, share and collaborate.
I am looking for a sensor that measures distance.
Can I connect 4 6v DC motors to an Arduino with a breadboard and MOSFET Transistors?
Troubleshooting Erratic Behavior in Solar Electricity Router for Excess PV Power Management
I'm considering using an accelerometer sensor to read acceleration data
Reviewing My ATtiny85 MIDI Controller with CR2032 Battery: Schematic and Assembly Feedback Needed
Human following robot with raspberry pi 4 and H BRIDGE L293D and 2 ultrasound sensors HC-SR05
I'm looking for a sensor to use as body heat sensor for medical project
Does the ATtinyx5 series allow for capacitive touch without a resistor?
I need a component to heat a box up to 80°C. Any recommendations?
What are the various applications of these capacitors "Ceramic,Electrolytic and Tantalum" capacitors
Does anyone have a suggestion on how I can create a device that controls water flowing into the pond
Is it profitable and especially possible to create a somewhat intelligent cat food dispenser?
designing system with consumption of 960mA. Would a regulator with rating of 1A be sufficient?
would like to record an analog signal of 70mghz frequency min, how do i proceed, the time is max 16
Which software could I use to draw this on my computer?
What type of sensor can I use to check when the water gets dirty?
Could anyone identify these two components, please?
I want to make 48v battery charger, how I can make it (cercuit schematic)?
Which Cellular module do you recommend for Smart city project
What techniques can I employ to ensure thermal management and proper heat dissipation in my PCB layo