Does Metalama only support attributes?
I don't want to use attributes because for my use case it's more natural to extend from a class....Can Metalama suppress compiler errors?
public class EmailAlreadyExists(string email) : BusinessException("{0} already exists")
...Eligibility rule based on target method not returning void
Follow up question from yesterday's meetup
LogAttribute : OverrideMethodAspect
LogAttribute : OverrideMethodAspect
Please cache licensing key rather than check every build
Documentation: Bad link
Can one pass state between aspects?
Ordering Aspects
This error has me foxed
AddAspect Refactoring
Testing Fabrics
Eligibility MustNotHaveAspectOfType
I had assumed that MustNotHaveAspectOfType would fit the bill here but it seems I'm mistaken. What should I be using? Whilst we're on that subject can that eligibility be chained in an upwards direction. So for example if I apply a [NoLog] attribute to the class can I add build eligibility to a method aspect that would pick that up.? DeclaringType seems not be an option when applied to builder in the BuildEligibility override....
Test should surely either both pass or both fail
Testing Issue
Has anyone tried the Ctrl + . refactor menu recently?
Is it possible to mix aspects that call different parts of a class (ie Methods and Properties)?
Is this section of the documentation wrong?
Why is it indicating I have compile-time code despite not?
How do I invoke (and cast) an introduced generically typed field?
on the BuildAspect method.
I then want to iterate through most of the properties of the TEntity type itself and introduce at least one field for several of them, but the type of the field depends on the type of the property itself. Again, this is set up and works fine. I save all the references to the introductions in a dictionary keyed by a reproducible mechanism to link the properties with the introduced types. Again, this works fine.
My target type implements a base type which has a bunch of event callbacks in place. What I want to do is replace the last methods in those event callback chains with a method that can do operations against some or all of these introduced fields and this is where I'm having some difficulty....