Drizzle recommended way to migrate reset
yarn prisma migrate reset
when we wanted to reset our DB.
Is there a drizzle equivalent way to do that?...compound uniqueIndex
@@unique([userId, time])
@@unique([userId, time])
planetscale: how to index col using drizzle?
[Bug?] Drizzle generates a broken query when passing an explicit value for a column as `undefined`
while inserting, drizzle generates a SQL query like:
sql .... SET exampleProperty = ,
sql .... SET exampleProperty = ,

Help improving my query

Left join with JSON

Drizzle-kit throws module not found error for internal files imported through absolute path

drizzle bug won't let me update mysql table
Generated Collate value
COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
added to the generated MySQL.
One of my drizzle tables instead has COLLATE utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci;
I'm not good enough at dbs/sql to know if this is important, a bug, or irrelevant...Can I know when I can use Mysql proxy driver?
Mocking database
What does MySQL bigint config mode do?
key where mode could be number
What does this do?...MySQL unique constraint
Error querying planetscale db
db push connection error
Select exists
Custom SQL function (json_agg & json_build_object)
helper....Error migrating after updating to orm 0.23.3
workflow best practices with planetscale
db push
however drizzle kit has migrations and a beta push
as well, what would be the best move here?
Of course trying to avoid destructive changes when pushing or updating the db schema...Invalid default value for timestamp