hashing password in Cloudflare Workers
How to get the count of records? Here is my normal sql, trying to translate into drizzle
Is there a way to create check constraint?
How to add to the database where the table has a many relationship to another table
Where clauses across multiple tables in relational queries
Prepared queries typings lost after export in monorepo
package to be used across functions in the functions
The prepared queries are defined like that:
// packages/core/db/preparedQueries.ts...Nodejs - Typescript Project Build
I get these errors because of drizzle.Column Unique name appears to be incorrect when spreading common fields to multiple tables
naming convention on them with the unique field
[ 'created_at', 'PgTimestamp', 'organizations_created_at_unique' ],
[ 'updated_at', 'PgTimestamp', 'organizations_updated_at_unique' ],...Nested Relations Where has Zero Typings :confused:
on every `migrate()`: schema "drizzle" already exists, skipping
Strugling to use composite key in schema
Get database informations inside 'use client' component
Module not found: Can't resolve 'net'
...Running migrate() in Sveltekit project
"migrate": "ts-node src/lib/server/database/migrate.ts"
but I get errors here (ERR_UNKNOWN_FILE_EXTENSION
). Any ideas?Reference to auth.users?
Are postgres CONSTRAINTS supported when creating a table schema?
, dataType
, columnType
In contrast the actual Postgres CREATE TABLE syntax is very rich:
https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-createtable.html...Optional/Default value for Relational `Extras`
import { PostgresError } from "postgres" - build error?
from postgres
It says The requested module 'postgres' does not provide an export named 'PostgresError'
during build but I am getting no typescript error on my code.
I have code like this
```ts...How to do this query in one step instead of two?